Nutrition Therapy

A pearl of wisdom.

Learn how to live better

Chinese nutrition therapy is a unique therapeutic technique that allows you to learn to eat healthier and feel better. It can be used to correct nutritional imbalances but also to help you solve any type of ailment.

This therapeutic technique analyses your constitution and your symptoms and makes personalized dietary recommendations to help you achieve your goals.

Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food

What is nutrition therapy?

Nutrition therapy is an ancient Chinese therapeutic technique that not only allows you to learn living and eating better but can also help you solve your problems such as losing weight and regulating your metabolism.

Traditionally it has been used together with acupuncture and or herbal medicine but can also be used individually to prevent disease and maintain a strong and healthy immune system.

As our ancient physician Hippocrates said: “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food”.

How does it work?

Nutrition therapy is based on the energetic action and on the taste of foods. Each action has a specific function such as energizing, refreshing, or anti-inflammatory. And each taste (sour, salty, bitter, pungent or sweet) regulates and strengthens a specific organ system.

During an initial consultation your eating habits, your lifestyle and your constitution are analysed. If you wish, with this information I can create a personalised nutrition report with dietary and lifestyle guidelines to follow.