First Visit

You are unique.

Your first visit, the most important one

Each patient has a specific pattern of imbalance and requires a personalised treatment.

You are unique and need a personalised solution.

1. Know You Inside Out

During the first visit you have a detailed discussion about your symptoms with your practitioner for 30-45 minutes followed by a traditional pulse and tongue diagnosis. Then you can have your first acupuncture session for 30-45 minutes if you wish.

2. The Treatment

Your practitioner recommends a personalized treatment using various therapeutic techniques. This may include acupuncture or other techniques that are considered beneficial to obtain the best results. If necessary a herbal medicine prescription is included to increase the therapeutic effect.

3. The Treatment Plan

Your practitioner designs a treatment plan especially for you which maximises efficacy and time. When you leave the clinic you will know how many sessions your plan includes, and what herbal formula you should take.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Need more advice?

Feel free to call or email anytime to ask more specific questions.